Birthstones & what they symbolize
The basic human desire to own and wear materials we consider “sacred” or special is what motivates us to collect stones and minerals. Perhaps this is precisely what explains the allure of gemstones; how significant it is to have our birth month represented by a beautiful natural gemstone. We can own and display our special stones and feel embraced by their beauty.
The difference between minerals and gemstones
All birthstones are minerals, but why are some minerals considered gemstones? Interestingly, there is no geological definition of the word “gemstone” as it is a human-made creation. Minerals from through geological processes in rocks in their natural environment. When we extract precious or semi-precious stones, cut and polish them into specific shapes, they become gemstones. When a gemstone is set in metal to be worn on the body, it becomes a jewel. Several crucial factors determine the value of a gemstone. To be considered suitable for jewelry, the mineral must posses rarity, durability, attractiveness, size and color.
January | Garnet
Although garnet is often associated with the color red, these gemstones can be found in almost any color and are popular choices for jewelry of all types. That’s good news if you’re in the market for January’s birthstone. The garnet family is one of the most complex in the gemstone world. It is not a single species, but rather consists of several species and varieties.
Symbolism of January Birthstone
Some believe that the garnet is protective stone that shields the carrier from harm. This made them particularly popular among warriors and royalty. Sometimes associated with life-giving blood, the red variant of the garnet is also linked to vitality, love and light.

February | Amethyst
Amethyst is a crystalline quartz in shades ranging from light purple to deep reddish purple. It has a relatively high hardness of 7, which means it is very resistant to scratching. The February birthstone is suitable as a gemstone for any type of jewelry.
Symbolism of February Birthstone
As the color purple has long been associated with royalty, amethysts were used by the ruling class. Over time, amethysts have also become associated with spirituality, mental clarity and healing. Amethyst is one of the most famous and prominent crystals due to its beautiful color as well as its spiritual and literal meaning. The spiritual meaning of amethyst includes grounding, harmony and tranquility.
March | Aquamarine
Named after the color of the ocean, aquamarine is the blue to blue-green member of the beryl family. Accessible and moderately prices, the March birthstone makes a great choice for jewelry.
Symbolism of March Birthstone
The name “aquamarine” comes from the Latin word for “sea water” and the stone was believed to protect sailors. Some associate aquamarine with marital bliss and superior intelligence. In gemstone language, aquamarine represents happiness, hope and eternal youth. In ancient times, aquamarine was believed to protect those at sea.

April | Diamond
The diamond is the most popular choice of ring stone in the world. These gemstones are prized for their classic beauty and clarity, and diamond jewelry has become a status symbol. The diamond is the world’s hardest natural material and is made almost entirely of carbon.
Symbolism of April Birthstone
Due to their extreme hardness, overall durability and inescapable beauty, diamonds are associated with strength and eternal love. It’s no wonder they are often used in both engagement and wedding ring designs. Diamonds represents strength and love. The name comes from the Greek word “Adamas”, meaning “the invincible”. Giving a diamond as a gift symbolizes long lasting strength to the one who deserves it.
May | Emerald
An emerald is a strong green mineral used as a jewelry gemstone. The gemstone has been synonymous with the color green since ancient times and originated in Venice. A beautiful emerald is a truly breathtaking sight and this member of the beryl family deserves its place among the 4 traditional gemstones, along with the diamond, ruby and sapphire.
Symbolism of May Birthstone
According to legends, wearing emeralds will endow its bearer with heightened intelligence and allowing them to think objectively. Others use the stone to promote healing and it is even claimed that emeralds give the bearer the ability to predict the future. One myth says that if you put an emerald under your tongue, you were able to see into the future – today we prefer to wear it as jewelry. In ancient times, the emerald was considered a symbol of fertility and immortality, and the gemstone was associated with the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. The list of famous royals who have worn the green gemstone includes none other than Cleopatra, who reportedly decorated herself and her palace with emeralds.

June | Pearl/Alexandrite
Pearls are the only gemstones found inside living creatures, both in salt and freshwater molluscs. However, most pearls on the market today are cultured or cultivated, as they rarely occur naturally. Although pearls require special care, they have an enduring appeal as jewelry, especially as the traditional birthstone for June.
Symbolism of June Birthstone
The finest pearls display an undamaged surface with even coloring. Therefore, there is a natural connection with qualities such as honesty, purity and wisdom. Some cultures associate pearls with the divine and believe that pearls were tears shed from heaven, while others placed pearls in the grave of love ones. According to ancient Chinese superstition, pearls represent wisdom and power, and are worn by dragons.
July | Ruby
Rubies are among the most regal and precious gemstones, and the distinctive bloodred color can make any piece of jewelry look very exclusive and valuable. The ruby’s name comes from the Latin word “ruber”, meaning red. Denmark has a special connection to the red gemstone, as Crown Princess Mary has a ruby set that was worn by Napoleon’s fiancé. It is not only in Denmark that the ruby is considered extremely precious. Hindus consider the Ruby to be the most valuable and have named the stone after “Ratnaraj”, which means “King of Gemstones”.
Symbolism of July Birthstone
The ruby have for a long time been associated with physicality and strength. Favored by warriors, rubies were thought to be intimately connected to the human body. They were credited with increasing the strength and endurance of the bearer. The ruby was also believed to calm anger and help the bearer navigate passionate social situations.

August | Peridot
The modern august birthstone, peridot has been valued as a gemstone since ancient times and is made of the mineral olivine, which is often formed as a result of volcanic activity. The color of peridot range from light golden green to dark green.
Symbolism of August Birthsone
Peridots have been credited with protecting its bearer at night. This is due to the peridots lively appearance creating ancient connections between the gemstone and the sun. It was believed that holding the stone close to the body at night, would scare away evil spirits.
September | Sapphire
Only a few gemstones have captured our attention throughout millennia like the sapphire has. Its pure blue colors and excellent durability make it an exceptional gemstone. However, not all sapphires are blue they can be found in a wide range of colors. The sapphire is the second hardest gemstone after diamonds, which is a significant advantage when used in jewelry.
Symbolism of September Birthstone
The sapphire is considered a protective gemstone. It can shield the bearer from physical harm as well as ill intentions and envy. It was also believed that sapphires possessed medicinal properties. Blue sapphires are regarded as a highly spiritual stone, symbolizing the sky, and to this day, they are associated with happiness, royalty and protection.

October | Opal
Opals stand out as highly unique in the world of gemstones. The opal is so unique that its patterns have their own descriptive language. Each opal is more individual than other gemstones. Opals are also among the fragile gemstones, requiring special attention.
Symbolism of October Birthstone
Due to the dynamic appearance of opals, they are often associated with light and magic. As a result, some were convinced that opals possessed healing properties, especially for the eyes. There were even those who believed that opals could make the bearer invisible. Many wear opals as an amulet for luck and good fortune.
November | Citrin
The crystal citrine derives its name from its characteristic yellow color, reminiscent of sun, summer, and joy. Most citrine crystals comes from Brazil and closely resemble other quartz varieties, such as amethyst in appearance.
Symbolism of November Birthstone
Traditionally, the crystals significance is associated with renewal – both physically, spiritually and mentally. If you are facing a specific challenge, a dream, or a time filled with surprises, citrine is the perfect stone to guide you through the process. Citrine is often linked to prosperity, abundance, and success. In crystal therapy, citrine is also used to cleanse and balance the body’s energy, helping to strengthen self-worth and confidence.

December | Blue topaz
Blue topaz is a semi-precious gemstone used in jewelry. It has a glassy luster and distinctive cleavage. The colors range from dark to cool shades of blue. Topaz is the Sanskrit word for fire. The more common variation of blue topaz is achieved by irradiating colorless topaz. Treated blue topaz is a favorite in the jewelry world, among both jewelers and designers, due to its versatility, affordability and availability in various shapes and sizes.
Symbolism of December Birthstone
Blue topaz represents a variation of topaz known for its beautiful blue hue. It symbolizes wisdom, truth, and loyalty. Throughout history, the topaz gemstone has been associated with prosperity and is connected to peace and tranquility. As a gemstone, it is said to bring emotional balance, greater inner peace, and create a sense of calm.
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