Klassische PerlenHalskette I VergoldetKlassische PerlenHalskette I Vergoldet
Great gift
Butterfly Halskette I Vergoldet I Braune Diamanten
Great gift
Biwa Pearl Halskette I Vergoldet mit PerlenBiwa Pearl Halskette I Vergoldet mit Perlen
Facet Halskette I VergoldetFacet Halskette I Vergoldet

CbyC Jewelry

Facet Halskette I Vergoldet
1.300,00 DKK
Bolt Halskette I Vergoldet I Perle & ZirkonBolt Halskette I Vergoldet I Perle & Zirkon
Great gift
Geflochtene Link Kette vergoldetGeflochtene Link Kette vergoldet

CbyC Jewelry

Geflochtene Link Kette vergoldet
1.710,00 DKK
Gliederkette I VergoldetGliederkette I Vergoldet

CbyC Jewelry

Gliederkette I Vergoldet
Ab 1.090,00 DKK
Wrapped Necklace w. White Shell PearlsWrapped Necklace w. White Shell Pearls
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CbyC Jewelry

Wrapped Necklace w. White Shell Pearls
Ab 1.160,00 DKK
Small Star Gold Plated Necklace w. Diamonds
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5 Charm Gold Plated Necklace w. Zirconia
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9 Charm Gold Plated Necklace w. Zirconia9 Charm Gold Plated Necklace w. Zirconia
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CbyC Jewelry creates the most beautiful Necklaces primarely in Gold Plated material. The Swedish brand CbyC Jewelry, where luxury and style are at the core of every piece of handcrafted jewellery, is both delightful and affordable.