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A necklace is that piece of jewellery that will highlight your neck, face, cleavage. It’s the jewellery that is worn close to your heart and often carries some sort of history or symbolic value.

Different necklaces work in diffferent ways and there are simple things to consider when opting for that perfect necklace that will suit you the best. Whether you’re into the Scandi-cool style or the more classic look you can find a fashionable selection of necklaces from our coveted jewellery designers. We have gathered a few simple guidelines to stick to when choosing your style

How to find that perfect necklace.

The length:

Necklaces come in different lengths, short, medium length or long.

Some lengths are more or less common such as 45 cm or 50 cm. Which is the type of necklace that will sit just between the collarbone and your clevage

This type is one of the most preferred as it looks great with almost very outfit. The necklaces between 45cm -55 cm is suitable for everyday wear, and is easily styled together with necklaces in other lengths for a cool layered necklace look.


Start by filtering your preferences according to your favourite metal, silver or gold. If you’re unsure don’t worry. The decision might just lie in the specific style as it sometimes turns out better in gold or in silver.


The different necklace styles are inevetable, however one of the most important elements when choosing a necklace is the pendant. First of all the shape of the pendant has a relevance as to how it will look on you. Geometric shapes such as round, square shaped or triangles trickers the eye in different ways. Same does organic, obsolete shaped pendants.

Another style you might want to consider is a necklace without an actual pendant, where the chain is central. This type of necklace is very elegant and simple and highlights your collar bone and neckline.

The Jewellery Room guides you to a selection of necklaces designed by the most innovative Scandinavian Jewellery designers and beyond.

We strive to always inspire and find the new pieces with playful symbols and untraditional expressions. Yet we also put alot of energy into finding those everlasting hierlooms you will wear for life and pass on.

We love to mix and match the funky pieces with the personal story telling